Our Apps

To know your composite risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke and to have your life style modification manual in the palm of your hand download our unique smart phone app 'heartsmart iglobal' onto your iPhone, iPod or iPad from the App store.

Download heartsmart iglobal App for iPhone and iPad

Android users, Download our unique Android app 'heartsmart global' onto your Android phones and tablets 

Download heartsmart global App for Android

Download ‘HeartSmart’ app to your Windows phone:

Download heartsmart app for your Windows Phone

Download our new Patient Education app for Iphone

Our Apps in the NEWS

Modern Medicine 01-10-2012 

Dr. Kotha's App featured in Medical Economics

New York Daily News Dr. kotha’s article on page 6

This content was generated by artificial intelligence and may contain errors. The content should not be considered as professional advice and should not be used as a substitute for a visit, call or consultation with your health care provider. Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your health care provider.